Sequel to my previous post..
ADHD clouded me with thoughts and..
The solution to all of my problems was simply embracing being myself.
How many losses..
Look i should've just been confident all this time.
No joking that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder gives a lot of sensory disabilities but also a very low self-esteem.
ZunoDubstep told me that the solution could be just embracing being myself, at the position i am, with music style and my interests, without getting anxious when people rate your product, or in my case, music.
I couldn't understand for these 17 years what true confidence actually is, and it's just.. It's simple as embracing being you, with flaws and all. I posted about this a lot of times in my telegram channel, and i just couldn't realize that no one actually hates me, but they all hate the insecurity i got.
I thought, with insecurity i have kindness that i don't want to sacrifice, but an idea have come to my mind.. Kindness from insecurity can be transformed into generosity with confidence.
So yes, i wanted the ADHD voices to be removed, and they still keep on hurting me a bit, but some people still need my music sooo...
People still love me ^^
So yes.. I don't want to please everyone, so if you're following me, then you have to accept the hyperactivity i got :3
Haha.. Well.. Ehem